“Good fortune is what happens when opportunity meets with planning.”
thomas edison
Sure, it’s only November, but it’s never too early to plan ahead, especially when it’s your career and financial future at stake. Consider the Edison quote above: Here is the opportunity to do something more in 2024. It’s up to you to start planning now.
Time for exciting news!
For the first time since COVID sent us all running into world of live-streaming classes on Zoom to avoid everyone’s cooties… we’re taking it BACK into the physical classroom in 2024! Sure, it was awesome teaching in yoga pants and fuzzy slippers, but it’s time… though my feet are probably not going to be happy about it.
All the details can be found on our Spring Prelicense page, but here are the key points:
● Evening classes start with Orientation on February 21 and end April 30 with final exams and will meet 2 nights/week + 2 full Saturdays.
● As in the past, classes will be held in the Training Room at the Golden Isles Association of REALTORS® located in DT Brunswick at 1801 Gloucester Street.
For all the details including schedule, tuition, and to register online, please visit the Spring Prelicense page!