“Learn continually. There’s always ‘one more thing’ to learn!” – Steve Jobs

Required and Essential

Georgia law mandates that all real estate licensees complete 36 hours of Continuing Education during each of their 4 year licensing period in order to renew their license.

While the law says 36 hours, we believe you should take as many hours of CE as you can get (above 36 hours) in order to expand your knowledge base, hone or discover new skill sets, and stay relevant in an ever changing, competitive environment. In this age of information, things change quickly. Those in the know will be better able to adapt and succeed in changing times than those stuck in the past.

Don’t be a dinosaur… because you know happened to them.

License Law Required by GREC

The 36 hours of state required continuing education must include at least 3 hours of a GREC approved License Law course.

Why? Georgia License Law and Rules and Regulations are forms the basis of how real estate is practiced in Georgia and is designed at its core to protect the public first and foremost.

By requiring licensee to regularly take courses on the law ensures were are all aware of or reminded of the regulations under which we work!

Broker Specific Courses Required by GREC

Coming in 2024, GREC will be requiring additional specific education within the 36 hours required of all licensees for those holding their Brokers licenses.

Let’s face it… if you’ve read our Brokers page, you know the role of Broker is very different from a salesperson (the initial licensing status). As such, it only makes sense that a Broker should take more specialized education tailored to their more varied responsibilities! We are working on Broker specific CE courses to add to our roster of CE course offerings!

Courses Required by NAR for REALTORS®

Remember, all real estate professionals are licensees. Only those who join the national professional trade organization, Nat’l Assoc. of REALTORS®, can legally call themselves a REALTOR® – pronounced Real-TOR, not Real-a-tor like Doctor is pronounced Doc-TOR not Doc-a-tor)

As REALTORS® we are required to take a course on NAR’s Code of Ethics once every 3 years.

Additionally, NAR’s Board of Directors in 2023 approved a motion to add a course on Fair Housing to our education requirement beginning 2024.

Upcoming Classes

Upcoming Classes

FEB 8 & 9, 2025
Full Weekend Cram Study Session

Many of you are planning to study over the holidays, why not join us for one last push before you sit for your exams in the new year? Our structured cram session can help you conduct a formal comprehensive review, identify those areas where you might need a bit more focus, or give you the confidence to go forward and make that exam your… well, you know the expression, right?

Full weekend means FULL WEEKEND. We meet 8:30 to 5:30 both days because we have a lot to cover! Don’t worry, we’ll let you take a break for lunch. We’re tough but we’re not evil… mostly.

FEB 11 – April 29, 2025 (Evening)
Prelicense Course

Start your real estate career off on the right foot with a solid foundation of knowledge. Designed to prepare you for the state licensing exam and a successful future in real estate.